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Bible Reading

Every year on January 6, many Christians celebrate Three Kings’ Day, also known as Epiphany. By guiding visitors from far away to find and worship the child Jesus, God was showing that his Son was for everyone, not just the Jewish people. That’s why the holiday is called Epiphany, which means “to show.”

The visiting kings, or wise men, brought expensive gifts to Jesus, which tells us that they recognized that he was the King of kings. They bowed down and worshiped him, showing that they also understood that he was God.

As exciting as the wise men’s visit probably was for Mary and Joseph, it had an unintended consequence—when evil King Herod saw wise and rich people come from far away to worship a king who wasn’t him, he became terribly jealous. So jealous that he was determined to kill this new king, even though he was a little child.

And so Jesus and his parents were forced to leave their home and live in a different country. They probably had to learn a new language, navigate different customs, and eat different food than they were used to. They had to start over as strangers surrounded by strangers. We know from our second Scripture reading that Jesus never forgot how that felt. He cares deeply about people who are going through that experience.

Today, let’s be wise like the visiting kings and honor our King of kings with a gift. He no longer needs gold, frankincense, and myrrh—he loves to receive gifts given to his children in his name.

What can you do for one of Jesus’s brothers or sisters who finds themselves a stranger today? Start with prayer—ask God to meet their needs and to show you how you might help.

Father, thank you for showing the world that Jesus is for people from every country and culture. Thank you for sending your beautiful star to guide the wise men to you. Help us to honor you as our King of kings today and every day. Please show us how we can show your love to your—and our—brothers and sisters who need our help. Amen.

Everyone can do something to help people who have been displaced. You don’t have to be a rich and powerful king! Find ideas here:

4 Ways Anyone Can Help Refugees

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